Monday, 26 August 2013

Apply online Pune university external admissions

 Apply online Pune university external admissions

PUNE: The online registration process for external admissions to undergraduate and post-graduate courses offered by the University of Pune (UoP) for 2013-14 will begin on Friday.

BA, BCom, MA, MCom, LLM and MSc (mathematics) are the courses offered by the university for external students every year. 

Interested candidates should visit for registration. They can also fill their examination forms for the courses from the website from Friday, an official release said.

A large number of students, who cannot undertake regular courses in colleges or in UoP departments because of lack of financial resources or non-availability of time to attend full-time courses or because they stay at remote places, benefit by the external courses.

Annually, around 1 lakh to 1.25 lakh students enrol themselves for these courses. The Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL) has been the nodal agency for processing external admissions.
Last year, the UoP had considered curtailing the number of these admissions, when college principals unanimously expressed their inability to conduct examinations for these students. It had to backtrack.

Apply online  Pune university external admissions

Candidates should visit Click here  for registration. They can also fill exam forms for the courses from the website.

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