Tuesday, 6 August 2013

RPMT results - 2013 (Rajasthan Pre Medical Test)

RPMT results - 2013  (Rajasthan Pre Medical Test)

home page of RPMT-2013 Keep watching this page for all the recent updates in

For more Information you can contact :-

Dr. D. K. Gupta 

The Convener, RPMT-2013
Rajasthan University Of Health Sciences
RUHS Campus, Sector-18
Kumbha Marg, Pratap Nagar
Sanganer, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
PIN - 302033
+91 - 141 - 2792644
Website: http://www.ruhsraj.org

PTET (Pre Teachers Entrance Test)Examination Result 2013

 PTET (Pre Teachers Entrance Test)Examination Result 2013 

     Jai Narayan Vyas University Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the President of India inaugurated the then University of Jodhpur on 24th August, 1962. In his inaugural address the Hon'ble President revered Prof. Radha Krishnan desired and defined the goals and objective of the then Jodhpur University now J.N.V.U :: " That the young people, who will be educated in this university , will go forward not as prisoners of the past, but as pilgrims of the future; will develop in them a spirit of dedication, a spirit of renunciation, a spirit of whole-hearted, single-minded concentration on the advancement of the knowledge, whether in science or humanities."
Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur was established in 1962 as University of Jodhpur. There are four Government Colleges of Jodhpur became part of the University

Jai Narain Vyas University is a residential university but the Colleges situated within the municipal limits of Jodhpur are affiliated to the University. Date of UGC recognition as university July 14, 1962.

PTET (Pre Teachers Entrance Test)Examination Result 2013 

 PTET Examination 2013 Result 

PTET 2013 Guideline Application Form Filling 

 Press Notification

VIT (Vellore Institute of Technology) University Vellore results , TamilNadu

VIT (Vellore Institute of Technology) University
Vellore, TamilNadu

VITEEE-2013 (Witty-2013)
(Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination - 2013)

                    VITEEE 2013 Result 

Term End Examination Provisional Result Apr-2013        

Pass List of B.E.(2008 PATTERN)

SEBI Officer Grade-A posts Aug-2013

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
Plot No. C4-A,’G’ Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai-400051
Published for http://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com

Recruitment of Officer Grade A  (General Stream and Information Technology) – On Contract

SEBI invites applications from Indian citizens for the following posts :

  • Officer Grade-A : 75 posts (UR-39, OBC-19, SC-12, ST-5) (PWD-2)  on contract
Age :Not above 27 years as on 31/07/2017.

Pay ScaleRs. 17100-33200

Online examination on 15/09/2013. 

How to Apply : Apply Online at SEBI website from 12/08/2013 to 26/08/2013 only.

Please visit http://www.sebi.gov.in/cms/sebi_data/otherdocs/careerh40.html  for all the details and online application format.