Sunday, 25 August 2013

Apply online IOCL Officer and Engineer recruitment for GATE 2013 candidates Aug-2013

Apply online IOCL Officer and Engineer recruitment  for GATE 2013 candidates Aug-2013

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL) has recruited 250 posts for the position of Graduate Engineers as a Assistant Officers and Assistant Engineers, this position held in IOCL is as follows with these posts, age limit, pay scale and other details to join in IOCL:

Apply online IOCL Officer and Engineer recruitment  for GATE 2013 candidates eligibility 

Graduate Engineer for Assistant Officers and Assistant Engineers:

Posts available for the above position in IOCL: 250 posts

Age limit to join in IOCL: 26 years

Pay scale will be: Rs 20,600

Apply online IOCL Officer and Engineer recruitment  for GATE 2013 candidates posts

Graduate Engineers (Assistant Officers and Assistant Engineers) :  250 posts in  the disciplines of Chemical / Civil / Electrical/ Instrumentation / Mechanical / Matallurgy 

GATE : Candidates need to have valid score card  of GATE-2013.

How to apply  Candidates need to apply Online  at  Indian Oil website on or before 21/09/2013 only. 

Apply online IOCL Officer and Engineer recruitment  for GATE 2013 candidates Aug-2013

Please visit  click here for details.

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